
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Result of kicking parent’s love: (Mrs. Shumaila Shazeb, Gujrawala)

Ubqari Magazine - June 2014

Respected hakeem sahib Aslam O Alikum! I am daering second time in my life to write you letter, before this I sent a real story which was published in MAY 2010 page 18 issue now after marriage I am writing similar story, I hope if only one reader got advise from this I will blessed by ALLAH. Me and many other daughters like me who have been called blessing. Our Prophet ﷺ­ gave us our right since that age of ignorance, guarded our dignity and said who so ever brought up his only one daughter will accompany me in heaven as two figures. Then she is awarded with names of mother, daughter, and daughter in law. But… why this blessing looks like ignorance in this era of growth. Why… she is considered as toy, her innocence is used for advantages, which is bought with few sweet talks or money… played few time and fulfilled his desires and then thrown in dustbin. Same scene is presented in this true story. Whose parents lived a simple life and brought up their children according to Islamic rules, father offered Prayer 5 times a day and also offered tahajut and had the privilege of HAJJ and his wife was famous for her conduct around the colony, but when children follows shatan then all of this respect converts into humiliation within no time. He had 3 daughter and 2 sons. A boy from neighbourhood started showing his one daughter dreams, whenever his father went for Namaz these two meet at door steps and exchanged letters. This is how boy make her believe of his false love. After few months boy wrote him that I am going to dubai and if you want to be with me you have to leave your home, girl was so blind in his love that she forgot her parents love and kicked their love. Then shatan urged her that forget your past and make your future better. This is same shatan who promised ALLAH that I will fill up Hell with humans because of them I am thrown from sky to down. Girl gathered jewelry and money from home and left home at night. Then boy took a flat in Karachi and took money from her to take her out of country, they did nikah in fear of being caught. Her parents became as dead bodies out of grave, her bothers left going outside and her father who offered Namaz in mosque refrained from leaving home. There they started fighting and meanwhile girl gave birth to twins one boy and one girl. Boy was also involved in small crime in addition to addiction. Girl was also living like beggars when money which girl brought finshed they decided to return to their home city. Boy took girl to his home and started increasing his business of looting and snatching. He visited jail few time and also killed many people. He looted Bank with his gang and cut people there like vegetables. If wife ever remind him his promises then he used to beat her, she bare all this because she had closed her doors behind. There were many cases of murders and dacoities registered against him, once police arrested him but he ran away from jail, court announced him outlaw. One in Lahore he was taking ransom during police attack he died with bullet of his own friend. His other brother also died in same attack and youngest brother was also walking on his steps. Now girl was living with her mother in law and one son. That son tried to rape her but she protected herself and shoot him dead with his pistol and ate poison and died. Grandmother lost her all 3 sons and daughter in law and now living alone with two grandchildren.

This world is field your sow as shall you reap. Those who fill others houses with dark can never live happily. It is said true that innocent’s pray shakes sky. HE give importance to your every act it is true that nothing can change fate except prayer.

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